
December 30, 2018



Tvet are initials for Technical, Vocational Education & Training. Tvet loans are issued to eligible applicants that are being enrolled in public Technical, Vocational, Education Training Institutes acknowledged by Ministry of Education.

These are students who are in pursuance of the diploma courses availed in Institutes that have been recognized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and have been registered with KUCCPS


To be seen as the premier catalyst for workforce development in the region.


To develop a competent and competitive workforce in Barbados and the wider Caribbean.


The following are the qualification necessary to qualify for a Tvet loan;

  • An applicant must be enrolled in an approved TVET Course
  • An applicant must have applied for a TVET Loan and Bursary
  • An applicant can also be a direct entry as a Self-Sponsored student


Applicants applying for TVET Loans should select first time if they are new whereas the previous beneficiaries of TVEY Loans should select second and subsequent


  1. Start by visiting the website to register

The following are the requirements needed for the registration process;

An Identification Card

A well-functioning and operating Email Address

  • Ensure to activate your account by clicking the activation link that will be availed to you through your email address
  1. Then Log-in to select the TVET Loan Application Form [LAF] from HELB website
  2. Download the application form
  3. Fill in the online application form

The following are the details that you will be required to fill in the loan application form

  • The applicants’ name
  • The Identification Card Number
  • The KRA PIN
  • The applicants’ mobile number
  • The postal address
  • The Email Address
  • The place where one is residing
  • All the necessary details about the Institution one is enrolling
  • Ones’ personal background information
  • An applicant education background
  • All necessary information of the parents [Mother and Father]
  • The current Marital Status of the applicant’ parents [Whether Married or Single or Widowed or Deceased]
  • The estimated expenses the family meets monthly
  • The necessary information about the guarantor
  1. Print two copies of the duly filled application loan form
  2. You can have the form filled, signed and stamped with relevant guarantors or authorities
  3. Proceed to sign the form
  4. Attach all the documents indicated in check-list as they appear on the last page of the form
  5. Then present a copy of the duly completed Loan Application Form

An applicant may attach a supporting document using the following sources;

  1. Choose the following to access Huduma Centre:

Nairobi GPO, Kakamega, Eldoret, Nakuru, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nyeri, Embu, Machakos’, Kisii, Bungoma, Turkana, Meru, Kitui, Kericho, Nandi [Kapsabet], Thika, Garissa and Kitale for free and secure delivery to HELB Head Office or;

  1. HELB Students Centre through the following procedure:

Mezzanine One [M1], Anniversary Towers University Way, Nairobi either personally or through secure mail or;

  1. One of the banks listed;

This is through the HELB website you used to open an account for free with a secure delivery to HELB Head Office

2 Comments on “TVET LOANS

November 6, 2019 at 12:22 pm

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mourine magiri waweru
May 23, 2019 at 4:22 pm

i applied the wrong place for the helb instead of tvet i went for the undergraduate how can i simply change please help


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