Resort Savings and Loans Plc, with over 20 years of operational experience, has grown steadily in achievements, acceptability and reputation. With Customer Service as a major drive, combined with a passion to drive the mortgage sub-sector to new heights, Resort has continued to deliver products that cater for customers’ peculiar needs.
As a customer of Resort Savings the following are products that can help you as an individual to grow.
- Lease With Ease Account
This account type is mainly for the acquisition of equipment, household appliances, and Motor vehicles & Haulage trucks. It is for paid employees in highly reputable organizations, Civil servants and corporate bodies.
- 30% Equity Contribution.
- Tenor between 12-48 months.
- Acquisition of Assets
- Encourages individual saving habit
- Lessen strain on customer’s cash flow
- Resort Eazy Life Account
The Resort Eazy life account is one of their numerous products that are targeted towards their retail customers.
- Zero account opening balance with minimal account opening documentation
- No restriction on the number of withdrawals.
- Easy access to credit facilities within 48 hours
- Resort Daily Contribution Scheme(REDACOS)
REDACOS aims at providing opportunity for the small saver to help build his/her account but on a regular daily savings to the scheme towards attaining his/her financial goals.
- A minimum contribution of N200 daily.
- Attractive monthly interest for the customer(s) who does not make withdrawals in at least, three months.
- Can be paid at the bank or collected at the customer’s location.
- Provision of free financial advisory services.
- Commensurate credit facility available.
- Balance transferable to Savings Account on request.
- Provides Savings opportunities for daily income earners
- Brings Banking Services to the doorsteps of the commodity market operatives
- Provides Mortgage Services to the Informal Sector
- Secures Contributor’s Fund and Promotes savings habit.
(Resort Monthly Contribution Scheme)
REMOCOS is aimed at the average saver to help build his/her moderate but regular monthly savings to become tangible enough to facilitate attainment of his/her financial goals, commitments/obligations
- A minimum opening amount of N5, 000.
- A minimum monthly contribution of N5, 000.
- A minimum tenor of Six (6) months.
- Attractive interest rate.
- Not more than one withdrawal per quarter.
- Rewarding investment opportunities thereby made available to monthly income earners.
- Creation of a pool of investible fund from the micro individual units.
- Promotional savings habit amongst the middle level corporate manpower and entrepreneurs.
- Access to Financial Advisory services to each contributor.
- Cheques can be accepted on the account, at the discretion of the management.
- Prompt withdrawals easily facilitated when the need arises.
- Reska
This account type is mainly for early wealth creation for kids
- Parent only operatable.
- Minimum opening balance of #5000.
- Minimum account balance.
- Easy Asset creation and Capital Appreciation
- High yield of interest above savings interest rate
- Inculcates the culture of savings into the children
- Automatic membership in their Reska Club & admission to the class quarterly meetings
- Facility to supplement Child’s School fees
- Allow for lodgments of cheques and dividend warrant
- For ages 0-12years
- Free gift/educative sms and mails
- Free birthday cake delivered to child’s school