Categories: educationGrants


USIU-Africa offers merit and need based grants to continuing students to assist in paying school fees. Students must have completed a semester at USIU-Africa to apply.

  1. Vice Chancellor’s Grant

This is a 25% tuition-only scholarship for continuing undergraduate students.

  1. International Grant

This is a merit-based 25% tuition-only grant for continuing full-time international (non-Kenyan) undergraduate students.

Eligibility Criteria for the Vice Chancellor’s and International Grants

  • Students must demonstrate financial need.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.3 to remain eligible.
  • Continuous enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student
  • Fulfill all financial aid application procedures.


  1. Special Need Grant

This is a need-based grant available to all students who experience sudden financial hardships and are unable to meet their tuition obligations. Amounts granted will vary according to need, number of applicants and availability of funds.

Under this program, financial hardships may include the sudden death of the guardian, sudden withdrawal of sponsor from paying tuition fees or any other significant but relevant situation as determined by the Financial Aid Committee.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students must complete the relevant financial aid application procedures.
  • Continuous enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student with good academic standing (minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0).
  • Provide a written statement and attach proof explaining the circumstances for financial need.
  • Applicants must provide a plan on how they expect to meet their future tuition obligations.


  1. Student Affairs Council (SAC) Grant

This is a combined merit and need based 25% tuition-only grant introduced by SAC for continuing undergraduate students. The grant is limited to a maximum of KES 100,000 per academic year.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students must complete the relevant financial aid application procedures.
  • Continuous enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Provide a written statement and attach proof explaining the circumstances for financial need.


  1. Family Tuition Waiver

This is a 10% tuition waiver in recognition of parents/guardians or sponsors who continue to support USIU-Africa.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • To be eligible for this grant, two nuclear family members must have previously or concurrent be enrolled at USIU-Africa. Proof of blood relationship is required.
  • Continuous enrollment as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student and have a cumulative G.P.A of 2.0 (at undergraduate level) and a cumulative G.P.A of 3.0 (at graduate level).
  • Applicants must be NOT be enrolled executive graduate and doctoral programs.


  1. Alumni Graduate Tuition Waiver

United States International University – Africa is offering a 10% tuition fee waiver on for all its alumni who are pursuing their graduate studies at USIU-Africa and meet the eligibility criteria given below.

The Financial Aid Committee will decide on the recipients one week after the graduate orientation and feedback communicated to students. The discount is not transferable for any other purpose apart from tuition. Beneficiaries of this grant will not be eligible for Family Tuition Waiver or the Legatee Tuition Waiver.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must have an undergraduate degree from USIU-Africa
  • Applicants must be fully paid-up members of the USIU – Africa Alumni Association prior to applying for the grant.
  • Applicants must complete application procedures.
  • Applicants must be NOT be enrolled executive graduate and doctoral programs.
  • Beneficiaries must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.2 and above for continued eligibility.


  1. Legatee Tuition Waiver

This is a 10% tuition waiver to children of fully paid-up members of the Alumni Association. This waiver may be availed to eligible applicants upon admission.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Complete appropriate Financial Aid application form.
  • Be children of fully paid up members of the USIU-Africa Alumni Association.
  • Provide the necessary evidence indicating relationship to a paid-up Alumni Association member.
  • Continuous enrollment as full-time student to benefit from this award.
  • Applicants must be NOT be enrolled executive graduate and doctoral programs.
  • Maintain a cumulative G.P.A of 2.0 (Undergraduate) and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (Graduate) to remain eligible.


Institutional Grants Application Requirements

  • A typed letter indicating the name of the aid program applied for and why you need financial aid.
  • Certified copies of at least two (2) of the following documents are required to verify last family income.
  • The bank statements for the last three months (REQUIRED)
  • The most current pay slip
  • Retirement , retrenchment or dismissal letter
  • Death Certificates (Sponsor)


  1. Educate Your Own (EYO)

Educate Your Own is a transformative students led initiative whose overall goal is achieving zero dropout rate among continuing USIU-Africa students experiencing financial constraints by paying 25-50% of their tuition.

The initiative was founded by USIU-Africa students in 2015 to fund-raise for one of their needy friends who was on the verge of dropping out due to financial constraints. Thereafter, EYO was institutionalized by the University and has managed to raise over KES 2.74M and impacted the lives of 87 students.

To raise funds towards scholarship, EYO implements three key projects. These projects have been carried-out at least once every semester with various levels of success over the years.

Thrift-to-Educate: This is a market (buying & selling) experience where USIU-Africa students and other external vendors retail products within the University and proceeds raised go to the EYO fund for the semester.

EYO Carwash: In partnership with a professional carwash service provider, we have been able to offer car-wash services at the University, targeting on-campus students, employees and visitors to Educate their Own by having their cars washed.

Class Giving: This is a class-to-class campaigns where EYO volunteers visit classes and appeal to their fellow students to donate towards the EYO kitty. This has been the main source of funds as up to 70% is realized through this project.

Contacts: +254 730 116 440 /326 Email:


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