It could be a bit difficult to understand your credit report especially if you are seeing it for the first time. Many numbers and text all processed into the information about how you have fared over the years and are currently faring with paying back all the debts you owe across all […]
Read MoreThere are a lot of people in Nigeria with great business ideas, but their inability to raise capital for a start-up has brought hopelessness to their dream. In other words, many individuals and businesses would have become exceptionally successful due to their outstanding business ideas but their inability to meet […]
Read MoreGetting a business loan is a major hurdle for most small businesses in Nigeria, mainly due to lack of proper credit facilities for small business owners and entrepreneurs in the country. But obtaining outside financing is often necessary to start or grow a business or cover day-to-day expenses, including payroll and inventory. […]
Read MoreRunning a business is hard. But what’s even a lot harder is getting a bank or financial institution to provide you the required funds needed to grow your business. In Nigeria, securing a loan or credit facility is a lot more difficult than many other places around the world, because […]
Read MoreSalary Advance: Many microfinance banks give loans to individuals against the value of their salaries. If you run a small side business but still work for an organization, you could approach micro finance banks like RenMoney and co. to get a loan, which you could then use to finance your short-term […]
Read MoreAgricultural development has been a matter of serious concern to the Nigerian government. The need to augment the country’s domestic products through agriculture thus cannot be overemphasized. Many countries in the world have developed their economy to enviable degrees by cultivating lands and monetizing the products. This puts a challenge […]
Read MoreA personal loan can be a great way to get the cash you need to consolidate debt, finance a home improvement project or make a large purchase. The average interest rate on a two-year personal loan is around 10.6 percent, according to the Federal Reserve, compared to the average credit card interest […]
Read MoreOwning a car is a huge achievement in the life of most people. It is sometimes a measurement of one’s progress in business or career. However, in many cases, you don’t have to get all the money you need in one lump sum before you can own a car of […]
Read MoreA bank loan is a form of credit which is extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-interest terms related to the base rate of interest, with the principal being repaid either on a regular installment basis or in full on the appointed redemption date. Depending upon the […]
Read MoreAgriculture loans in Nigeria are loans meant for a wide range of agricultural and farming purposes. Farmers are supposed to apply for loans to buy supplies for the cultivation of food grain crops along with other purposes such as horticulture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, and floriculture and sericulture businesses. Others purchases […]
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