It takes a lot of time and discipline to become money smart. It doesn’t happen overnight. Some people go through life never saving and living pay-check to pay-check. Learning how to be able to handle your money at an early age may not seem sexy, but it will certainly put […]
Read MoreAs parents, we strive to arm our children with the necessary skills and knowledge that will guide them through life. A critical yet often overlooked part of this toolkit is financial literacy. Grasping money management from an early age can have a profoundly positive impact on a child’s life, setting […]
Read MoreFrom tying their shoelaces up to riding a bike and driving a car, as parents we often teach our children several practical and life lessons over the years. However, basic lessons in personal finance are, more often than not, overlooked. For many, money tends to be a taboo subject, in […]
Read MoreNo matter your age or your financial status, there is always more to learn about improving your financial management, and it has nothing to do with making more money. Money management is a skill that one must learn and if one can learn to manage the money they already have, […]
Read MoreQuestions to Ask About Money Weekly You will likely benefit from the general money questions on big-picture topics. However, the following are applicable in a weekly personal check-in. These financial questions to ask yourself don’t take long to answer and can help you readjust your spending. 1. Is My Budget […]
Read MoreWrapped up in every family history, threaded invisibly throughout the memories, is money. That’s right, money. How a family gets, grapples with, guards, and gives money is all a part of the family identity. In some ways, money defines a family. And just as great memories, like holiday celebrations or […]
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