When picking a student loan, opt for federal options first before private loans. Picking the right student loan can make…
Extra payments will help pay off student loans fast, but you can also refinance to get a shorter loan term…
Once you’ve taken on a medical debt, you should treat it just like any other debt. Decide on a plan…
If you get slammed with a monster-size medical bill, and you don't have the funds readily available to pay it, don't panic.…
If you just finished school or found a new job, it may seem daunting to get all your finances in…
Now that you understand how student loans can affect your credit, make sure you follow a few guidelines to ensure…
Everyone with even a little bit of debt has to manage their debt. If you just have a little debt,…
Start With Small Debts to Help You Conquer the Big Ones If you have a mountain of debt, studies show paying off…
Always pay on time. Payment history heavily influences your credit score. In fact, it is the most influential factor for FICO…
Now, all this isn’t to say that having bad credit will ruin your life forever. So, if your credit is…